I am shamelessly stealing an idea I saw on a blog to note down one thing that made me feel happy every day. It's one of those "make you focus on the good stuff" things. I quite like the idea.
On most days more than one thing makes me smile. Some days finding even one is a challenge. But this week has been pretty good all in so here goes.
22/09 Dad's smiling face. And everyone else's too.
23/09 Leftover cake.
24/09 Watching a street sweeping van clean our road. Because I wrote to the council. Now that's empowering, people. You can do it too!
25/09 Getting the hang of Que Sera Sera at singing. You'd be surprised how positive you feel when you "ooo" in the right places.
26/09 Writing a blog entry that made me realise other perspectives on birthday sharing. My Dad and husband are marvellous.
27/09 The glee on my daughter's face at the thought of Brownie camp. Personally I wouldn't fancy a holiday in January with a bunch of pre teens but whatever floats her boat.
28/09 My youngest daughter in her Razz uniform happily trotting off to an extra curricular activity. Times are changing.
29/09 Pregnant guinea pigs who can't fit in food troughs.
I wonder what joy next week will bring!
P.S. Feel free to join in yourself!
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